9 Work From Home Products that will make you efficient and happy

                 9 Work From Home Products That Will Make you                                    Efficient & Happy 

We all dreamt of working from home and making money with our kids and dogs running around, everyone happy and smiling. Well now that it has become reality, the truth has hit us all hard and it ain't a bed of roses.

Put some cushion on your tush and a good support on your back cause that chair your grandma use to sit on and has now become your office chair is gonna have you running to the Chiropractor twice a week. This White Willow Work cushion will give you a lot of cushion for the pushin ( WINK WINK)

Kids are getting on your nerves, they keep asking questions or just start talking interrupting your chain of thought, the dogs keeps barking or peeing. There is so much cleaning to be done. Who is gonna cook dinner, who will pick after the kids and how to keep the noise level down so the people on the other side of Team meeting dont make fun of you on side chat, not that they don't have issues of their own.

 First thing you need is a UPS, cause all is worthless if the power goes out and it happens more than you think and during crucial times. So its Murphy's law that the power will go out when you are making a presentation to your boss or when the CEO call out your name in the board meeting. 
 Oh yeah the tech guy you use to run around the office like a rag doll is not there to fix your network issue, or your printer problems. You got to take care of it on your own, well good luck with that.                                                       
A Wifi extender is a key requirement because last thing you need is your image freezing,your presentation getting stuck cause of no bandwidth. 

When  you mother is doing her puja or the kids are screaming and you are on a call and you cannot hear a thing, its time for a good  bluetooth earpods and don't splurge  on Apple products.
                                          I Ball earpods

Your assistant is no where in site, the whole zoom thing is in your Google but the last meeting is running late and you have forgotten you had promised your son that you will play tennis with him, your mother had asked to send her food supplies and your wife needed her blood test done, how do you remember all this???? Well here is Amazon Alexa, there is no better assistant. If you dont own an Alexa, you fool, what rock you living under? It's the best thing since sliced bread. Go and order one now


If you dont believe me then read this book and get your ideas about work from home. It will make you efficient and will get you to be more productive. Its a great insight into what working from home should be.

Your laptop buddy will become your best buddy, It will be next to you all the time and the best thing is, it will help you ease your back pain, will simplify you life.

It feels like a child's toy but man is it an awesome thing. Quick notes, reminders and of course doodle during a boring meeting this LCD erasable doodle does everything. 

Scared to go to a Spa, worried about the touch, cant afford the massage chair. Well this is great alternative and it will not put a hole in your wallet. Get this massager with a long handle, from back to your legs, arms and lower back, its perfect and will make you forget your favorite messues for a while.

Try all these or any of the products I have written about and let me know what you think. Until the happy WFH


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