
Showing posts from April, 2020

Lockdown Blues

Humans are wired to handle uncertainty for too long so right now when we reach the home stretch of this lockdown and sometime one feels there is no end in sight, take heart, there is always a rainbow or light after long dark tunnel. Well here are some out of the box tips to beat the lock down blues.  Learn, learn and keep learning Learning enhances your mental health and you have all the time in the world to pick up on a new skill online. Edtech companies like Great Learning, Simplilearn, Coursera etc. are offering plenty of courses for free. Grab the opportunity and learn something new, it could be an add on to your resume.                                                                                                   ...

Coping with the Lockdown

                 SOME degree of anxiety is normal as we live through the Covid-19 pandemic. Feeling low or down about restrictions on our normal lives is a normal response That means it is more important than ever to know the key steps to managing your mental health. Resilience is the ability to adapt well to any challenges and stress you may face in life. The more resilient you are, the easier it will be to bounce back from difficult experiences. Taking steps now can protect your mood from dropping, or your anxiety increasing over the lockdown period and build your resilience for the long haul. Do something everyday that makes you and your family happy Here is something to help you cope with the everyday jail like feeling, COOKING !!!!! Cook one awesome meal a day, it can be a Sunday brunch, a hearty dinner or an afternoon salad, kids will especially appreciate your effort and y...

Now is the time, think about "Work From Home"

Now is the time, think about “Work From Home” Many people want to  work from home , but they aren't  necessarily interested in  f reelancing  or starting a business. Fortunately, there are many opportunities to get hired in a home-based job. More and more people are employed from home in roles ranging from teachers and writers to nurses and bookkeepers. Well-known companies like Amazon, Aetna, Humana, American Express, Capital One, and Hilton all hire home-based employees. While the opportunities are out there, that doesn't mean they'll be easy to seize. Landing a work-from-home job will take persistent effort. Along the way, you'll have to keep an eye out for scammers who prey on desperate job-seekers. Pros and Cons of Telecommuting Before you commit to seeking out a telecommuting job, make sure it's really what you want to do. While there are some perks to working from home, there are drawbacks to be aware of, as well. Telecommuting can be...

Top 10 industries affected by Covid 19

Almost all industries have been affected by the Pandemic of Covid 19 but there are some who have either taken a huge negative brunt of it (most of them) or positive brunt (very few). Will list the ones who have benefited from it in blue and negative ones in red: 1. Pharmaceutical - Obvious choice, it is the industry that is thriving in this environment. All hopes depend on it. Vaccine is not what this industry wants, it wants a medicinal cure. The big pharma will always want medicine to cure but not vaccine because that does not get them recurring income otherwise we would have had a AIDS vaccine by now. The common cold also has no vaccine because cold medicine by far are the biggest seller in the consumer market. India will benefit the most from it since it is the largest supplier of medicines in the world, however it has to increase its raw material production or find other sources besides China for it. 2.  Travel - The negative impact on this industry has been immense and ...

Top 10 ways to Survive the Covid 19 Pandemic and come out stronger

Covid 19 has given all of us a forced reason to put a pause in our lives and asses the importance of family, being healthy, spending time with loved ones, maybe pick up a hobby or learn a new skill.  There are enough and more reasons to be apprehensive or tense about the situation but enough reasons to count our blessings too.  I am listing 10 most important things to do, follow and implement in your daily life to survive this pandemic and be prepared to ride this wave: 1. Love them, hate them, it don't matter, the mask and gloves are more important to you then the cell phone, do not leave home without it   😷 I dea - next time you buy some cloth, buy some extra so you can get matching mask and even gloves made, will be cool, right ?                                                             ...